Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#30- Internet research

GMO is an organism whose genetic material has been altered. In other words they are things that are not naturally. They have been taking plant genes and make their own plants out of the genes that they have gotten. Monsanto is the company that makes this happen.
In my personal opinion I don't think that they should be making plants this way. I think this because it isn't natural and it can be bad for nature. If there isn's anything natural anymore, not even plants, then nothing will ever be.
Here in this website there is more information on these GMO's.

Assignment #24 Typing

I haven't taken any classes for typing but when I type essays I try to type faster and type without looking at the keyboard. It is still a little difficult to do that I have gotten better at it.

There are some websites where they help people learn how to improve their typing skills. One website is called typing test. It gives you timers and it tells what you did wrong and how to improve on it. It has other things you can do on the website too.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Assignment #31 Free Choice

   I am going to write about the tattoo that I want to get and will eventually get. I want to get an anchor on my thumb. I know a lot of people will ask why I am getting and if I know what it means. The anchor tattoos have three different meanings. One being the most common which is representing a sailor.
   The anchor tattoo to some people means that they once had something to do with the sea or things of that matter. It has meaning to the sea because a lot of sailors used these a lot when they went off to sea. It is easy to tell if that is what the tattoo represents because of the way it is drawn out. Most people with the sea meaning to this have ropes around them.
   The second meaning that this tattoo has, is religion. It is said that in history when christianity was forbidden some people used the symbol of the anchor to secretly represent themselves. They used the anchor because of the hidden cross that it has. This was often used when the christians would escape from persecuting greeks.
   The last meaning that this tattoo has, is stabilization. The anchor to many people means strong foundation or that they have to a point in their lives were they have settled down. To others it is a reminder to stay well grounded on what they are doing. The anchor tattoo has a lot of meaning and history in it. The reason why I want to get this tattoo is because I want to represent my love for the sea. I want people to see my tattoo and ask me why I got it so that I can let them know that the ocean is my get away. If you click here you will see a little more information and comments on this tattoo.

#23-Typing Test #2

My favorite game was tick or type.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Assignment #20- Free Choice

          Im going to write about my favorite music. There is two kinds of music that I really enjoy listening to. Theres alternative rock and reggae. There one specific band that I really like right now. They're called The Dirty Heads. They're a reggae band. When I first heard them I was really into sublime.One time I hung out with my older cousin (who is more of a brother to me) and his girlfriend. They noticed that I was listening to sublime and they were surprised I was into their kind of music. That day they played The Dirty Heads while they were driving. The first song was "Dance all Night".  When I heard it I immediately liked it. More and more of their music came up and I knew that their music was going to be my absolute favorite.
          One of my favorite songs right now is one called "Chelsea". This song hasn't been performed by them at any of the concerts. At first me and my cousin questioned, why would they write such a good song and not share it live with the rest of the world. We both came to notice that , that song is a personal song. I would like to find out why the song was made and who it is about. This song is very beautiful.
           Many of the songs have a lot of meaning to me and my cousin. Others are just nice to listen too. They're music is so chill. I can relax when I listen to them. I think the dirty heads are very good band and they're awesome. They have a cool website where it has more of their information.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#22 smoking

there are ten reasons to why people start smoking ciggerates. these are the reasons,
10. peer pressure: if the friends are doing why not you
9. social rewards: it makes them different from others and "cool"
8. risk-taking behavior: most people are restricted from smoking and risk taking is exhilarating
7. parental influence: most teens and children are more likely to smoke if their parents do so
6. misinformation: some people are missed informed of what tabaco can do to someone
5. predisposition: some say that the cause to smoking may be passed on genetically
4. advertising: research has suggested that advertisments can cause people to start smoking
3. self-medication: some people smoke making themselves bellieve it calms tension in thier muscles
2. media influences: the media also incurages people to start smoking just like fashion people follow whats "trendy"
1. to some people it releases stress
I personally dont think smoking cigarettes is a good thing but I don't judge people for doing so. If a person chooses to do so then thats on them. One thing though is that I think people who do smoke should have courtesy for people who don't, especially kids. I do think it's a bad habit to have, how ever as long as im not around it I don't mind it. I have never smoked a cigarette nor do I ever intend to do.

Assignment #28

If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid, too.
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still ra ed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseaethe huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
I can read it.
 i am a sxiteen yaer old gril. i go to bcakbay hgigh shcool. i hpoe to one day sutdy to be an utlrsauond tehcintain.